Monday, August 24, 2009

Some reflections

Hey guys- I was thinking about something after yesterday's meeting that I thought I'd share with you.
In 1 Samuel 22 we read about where David hid from Saul in the cave of Adullam. As David hid there in exile, we read in verse 2 that "everyone who was in distress, everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented gathered unto him....there were about 400 men with him." Maybe you're familiar with the passage, maybe you're not- but I thought of that yesterday and how that should be a description of the church. The church should be known as the place where those down on their luck, in debt, and in distress can find refuge in a dangerous world.

I thought it was so cool how Maureen, Sylvia, and Diane joined us for the meeting yesterday, and how they were able to share that in the midst of the tough time they're going through right now, we have been a blessing to them, and how they plan to continue attending. As they shared, they have experienced Christ's love through our community, and I am so thankful for that.

But as I left, I thought again about that description of David and those that rallied around him. How cool would it be, I thought, if someday, Festival Park on Sunday mornings became known as the place to gather if you're down on your luck or in distress- and it was the place where all those in distress, in debt, and discontented gathered to hear the hope available in Christ. Where the local enforcement was a bit confused as to how to handle this huge gathering that occurred every Sunday morning, where Latino, white, African american and who knows else who was down on their luck gathered together as one big family in Christ. It sounds crazy and impossible- but a year ago I would have thought turning a small group into a church that has homeless people coming to its meetings was impossible. I don't know about you, but the mere vision of that excites me more than you can imagine. Who knows what God might do?


  1. It gives me goosebumps...

  2. Jen Jasensky8/25/09, 7:29 PM

    I think that is the beauty of stepping out in faith. We have no way to imagine all that God can do through us when we open ourselves up to what he wants us to do.
