Monday, August 31, 2009

Fall and Winter plans

Hey guys. It's time that we start thinking about our plans for the fall as our time at Festival Park will soon be up. There's a number of possibilities, but before we formally investigate any of them I thought we should have an in-house discussion on these things first.

First, we are thinking about cutting back to one meeting at Wayside per month. I think we've built up some incredible momentum having a regular meeting every week lately, and I think we might be better served (not to mention being able to better minister to others) by going to Wayside once a month and doing our meetings with lunch 3 times a month. We could meet all 4 weeks and make Wayside an "extra thing" on top, but given that we believe serving others should be part of the regular rhythm of worship for all of us, I don't think that's a real good idea. The last thing we want to do is make serving at Wayside become an "extra credit question" that only a few people care to do. Besides, I think the guests have really been touched that all of us, by our regular attendance at the center, have shown a vested interest in their lives. Another idea would be to set up a 2nd serving event in the city- this is something Julianne had mentioned. We are exploring all options at this point, and I am curious as to your thoughts.

With regards to a meeting place, we could go back to meeting at our house, but I actually think we shouldn't meet in a private home any longer. I fear that new people may be far less likely to consider checking the church out if we're meeting in the home of someone they've never met. To an outsider, it might seem a bit cultish. With that said, I think a public place is a better option. Some have mentioned renting a place, which we could do, but I would prefer a place that normal people hang out in like a bar or bowling alley. I think new people would be much more likely to check a church out that meets in a non-threatening spot like that (especially when followed by bowling!) . Given that we place a high value on redeeming places like this that the church usually forgets, I think such a place would be ideal. I tend to think you agree, but I am welcome to any dissenters.

So assuming you agree on this, we move on to discussing the geographic location where this should be done. It seems that right now, somewhat of a partnership is developing between ourselves and Wayside, and given that a few Wayside guests have been attending our meetings lately, it would seem a location not far from Wayside would work well. Given that many of them don't drive and that they need somewhere to eat on Sundays, I think a location close to them (like Elgin Lanes or a bar near Festival Park, for instance) might be preferred. However, I am nervous about the distance some of us would have to keep travelling. We never planned a location in Elgin when we started this whole thing, but up to this point, it seems that's how God has orchestrated things. If we didn't have any new people coming, we could meet anywhere, but I feel we may have to consider those new attenders as we pick our you agree?

Anyway, I am curious to your thoughts on these things. What are your thoughts of only going to Wayside once a month going forward? Do you have any other specific thoughts on serving? What are your thoughts as to where we should meet? Let's get some discussion started here, and we can continue the discussion a bit this Sunday.


  1. Just to get a few thoughts out there. I think going to Wayside once a month is fine, especially if we can meet somewhere the other weeks that is convenient enough for those from Wayside to join us. But I do also feel that keeping meeting at Wayside as part of our whole community meetings is good so that it is all something we do. Although it seems like a good idea to pursue another option for those closer to the city as Julianne suggested.

    As far as where to meet, I think that the bowling alley by Wayside would be great if it would work out. We could contribute to the local community and give them business. It wouldn't be as intense in comparison to meeting in a restaurant or bar in as far as our guests feeling like they have to purchase a whole meal or something like that. I think a restaurant nearby with some kind of meeting space would also be great. It seems like it would be good to check out these types of public spaces before just renting a space, and personally I think it would be sweet to be known as the "bowling church."

  2. I am considering going down to Elgin Lanes next week, scoping the place out and then talking with the owner/manager to see if it's a possibility. Yeah, I like the bowling church idea. I figured I'd start there- the only problem is they don't open until 12 noon, so we'd have to give them a financial incentive to open early for us. I figured I'd get some feelers from you guys first, however. But I agree, I think we should keep Wayside visits as part of our regular meetings so it forces us all to do it.

  3. awhile ago we talked about woodfield mall - maybe sitting in the foodcourt or starbucks area. they also have the play area for kids close by? it might be a better half way spot since we are all coming from all over?

  4. as far as serving in the city - i only heard back from sal and lisa so i don't know how many people are actually interested in serving in the city or if it would be worth setting something up for 4 people?
